Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Candy Village

What if there was such a place . . .
Towers made of muffin glaze
House were giant cakes
No such thing as bellyaches
Dollies made of lollipops
Rain was gumdrops
Taffy dresses with bubble gum lace
What if there was such a place?


Anonymous said...

hey kasidy, i am priya. i am 11 years old. i really like your poems! i found out about your blog cuz my mom showed it to me. you should check out my blog sometime at

Anonymous said...

Hi Kasidy, this is Kasidy I just googled my name and found your poems. I read "Candy Village" and just freaked out cuz I was just telling my mom about a crazy conversation I had with my friends today about a world made up of candy and sweets. I told my mom about a cupcake house that you had to eat your way in to and clouds made out of cotton candy. My mom asked if there was a dentist in my made-up candy world, and I told her," yes, he's made of chocolate." My name is Kasidy and I'm 9 years old. Love your poems.